भवनमें जो कटस् होते हैं उनपर केतू ग्रहका प्रभाव और सत्ता रहती है । केतूके स्पंदन मंगलके समान तीव्र होते हैं । जब भी केतू के साथ शनी या मंगल जुड़ जाता है तब केतू का स्पंदन बिगड़ता है और भवनमें जिस दिशामें कट रहता है , उस दिशासे जुड़े व्यक्तीके जीवनमें विपरीत घटना घटनेकी संभावना रहती है।
Cuts in the house are under the rule of the planet of Ketu . Vibrations of Ketu are very intense and similar like Mars . When ever in transit Ketu gets afflicted by Saturn and Mars then it disturbs the vibrations of the planet Ketu. Then there lies possibility of the malific event in the life of the family member who is connected to that cut zone of the house .
Cuts in the house are under the rule of the planet of Ketu . Vibrations of Ketu are very intense and similar like Mars . When ever in transit Ketu gets afflicted by Saturn and Mars then it disturbs the vibrations of the planet Ketu. Then there lies possibility of the malific event in the life of the family member who is connected to that cut zone of the house .