
Showing posts from February, 2022

Vaastu course

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Sahasra MahaVaastu Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050 When commercial buildings are fully ventilated from all the four sides then such forms do not give good result as regards the eventology and the future. Effect of the south light is intensely negative than the any positivity created by the north light ; so as such these openings to both ends of the organic axis is not good . Though physically one may feel that lot of light gives better illumination. Mainly for commercial premises if given on rent create discontinuity in the contracts many times . This discontinuity leads to fights and violence amongst the owner and the tenant leading to loss of money and wealth . Along with this if the basement lies to the south and the west zones then it gives severe negative results like violence-crime-terrorist activity. Any light that travels vertically down or diagonally is more detrimental than the lateral travel of the light ; as this light directly falls on the floor. So skylight a...



Free Lecture

WECONNECT is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Dr.N.H.Sahasrabuddhe (Remedial Vaastu ) Time: Feb 20, 2022 12:00 India Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 365 901 2137 One tap mobile +16699009128,,3659012137# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,3659012137# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 365 901 2137 Find your local number:


SAHASRA MAHAVAASTU DR N H SAHASRABUDDHE 9822011050 / 9762401234 This sky light is detrimental if enters from south or west zones and disturbs the matrix of deities and balance of elements.In tropical countries such sky light in the south and west zone act as the intense fire effect in the house effects to total disturbance in the energetics of that house . Such intense sun beams act as the force from the sky and destruct the lokpal of the ether Brahma. Once Brahma the great lokpal looses it's location as it gets displaced from the centroid of the house ; it gives reverse vortex of the energy in the house that mix the vibrations of all the elements in the house. None of the elements are in a position to give the positive effect in such house. In the normal course when the form of the house is in the sacred geometry descend and emergence of the elements happens in a clockwise path . Then these elements get fixed in the proper zone as fire to the southeast -earth to the southw...


SAHASRA MAHAVAASTU DR N H SAHASRABUDDHE 9822011050 / 9762401234 Such open well staircases create the well -depression on upper floors at its central zone. If planned to south or west then it creates the distracted sky ie Viprit Antaral ; then it's effects are severe on the occupants. As there lies a huge window facade that gives ample of light from south and west then it intensify the effect of the vibrations of the Viprit Antaral . These vibrations are of sinking streams of the energy and are related to the Apaan Vayu ; so they suck all the positive energy from the house and create the breaks in the mandalacar streaming of the energetics of that Vaastu. These open wells in the sink zones act as the voids which are ruled by the cruel planets like Rahu and Saturn ; so their effects are also like the Pitru dosha and fatal in the personal as well in the public life. If it happens in the west zone then it gives defamation and disagreement in the life . If it happens in the sou...

Grah Tatva Devta Disha Urja

SAHASRA-MAHAVAASTU DR N H SAHASRABUDDHE 9822011050 / 9762401234 Such shooting passages act as the vithishula and kill the aspirations of that zone . If it happens from south or west then it still worsens the issues.The traditional sutras related to vithishula says that such forceful energy breaks the whole family but in this case the force being comparatively less it's results will be bad as per the aspiration of that zone and direction. So in such cases it is necessary to obstruct such killing force by some planters-pebbles-pyramidal ceilings-metal paneling to main door with some mantrabeejas carved on that metal sheet. If such shooting energy is from west then it will lead to disputes in the marital relations and disagreement in every walk of life along with some court cases may disturb the normal life. If such shooting energy strokes from south then it will lead to accidents-loss of money-diseases-loss of divinity. The traditional sutra ftom the great book Aparajit Pruch...

Grah -Tatva-Devta-Disha-Urja

SAHASRA-MAHAVAASTU Dr N H SAHASRABUDDHE 9822011050 *Grah-Tatva-Devta-Disha-Urja* 2.All elements signify some specific form and shape as per the theory of Yogashastra as explained in the Shiv-Svarodaya . So these forms establish the wave forms of that element in the surroundings; when that form is created in the three or two dimensions. If these forms are in sacred geometry then they transform the time cycles on the coordinates of the sacred existence. If these forms are odd-asymmetric-ill shaped then they distort the positivity of that element and curse the surroundings by the negativity. Sent from my iPhone


*Grah-Tatva-Devta-Disha-Urja * 1. Metals are powerful carriers of the grace and vibrations of the planets as well of elements ; so they play a divine role in establishing peace-prosperity-progress in the life of everybody. Where as if they are used in wrong sequence then may kill the aspirations of that zone ; leading to defeat-degradation-deterioration in public life. Sent from my iPhone

Vaastu vedic sutras 30


Vaastu vedic sutras 29


Vaastu vedic sutras 28
