Vaastu Palmistry
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
80.If the saturn finger exceeds more than half inch than the Jupiter finger then there lies the possibility of death by murder. So any absurdity in the mount and finger of the Saturn leads to some drastic events in the life .
Same thing is observed in the vaastushastra too.As we know that Saturn is related to the south and west zones of the house which are sink zones of organic and pranik energies.So any mishap is connected to these two directions .Weak earth element or hyper excitation of the ether-light-energy in these zones leads to premature deaths or separation or imprisonments.
If the length of the Saturn finger goes beyond the 7.5 millimetres ie quarter inch than the index finger then one is not able to meet two simple ends in the life .Person's desires remain unfulfilled.
It happens when there lies weak earth to the south and powerful earth to the north zone in the home.Life becomes full of struggle and resistance .
Events of murder are denotes by contribution of the southeast and south zones together .Southeast entry-southeast cut -terrace to south-well to south-cuts and ducts to south could be primary reasons to the murders.
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
81.If the first phalange of the Saturn finger is relatively quite short then the individual will be inclined to do suicide.Obviously along with this some more supporting signs are visible.For example in case when one probes to do suicide then mind-heart are totally in frustration,so it is visible by some chain formations on the head or heart lines.
Many times one finds island formation on the head and the heart line.
All the indications of the suicides are visible in your Vaastu by following faults .A depression to the southwest is the prime reason to suicides like a well-huge underground water tank connected to the bungalow or a flat ;along with other reasons like north closed -east closed-northeast polluted .Many times it is observed that there lies a big cut to the southwest zone along with faults in the southeast zone.Particularly if the owner does suicide then faults are related to south-Southwest.If son does suicide then faults are related to southeast -south .If daughter makes suicide then northwest and southeast are responsible.
If the head line goes in a arch form on the mount of moon then there is possibility.As the head line represents a type of fire element and when fire dooms down in water it creates a panic in the surroundings of that person.
If the head line joins together with the life line then person becomes hyper sensitive and may lead to suicide.
Cross on the girdle of Venus may lead to suicide due to breaks in the love affair .Cross on the lower mars indicates a deep fear syndrome which may lead to suicide.
If only mount of moon is more prominent then one becomes over sensitive in nature ,so can be a cause or indication.If fate line is in a fragmented form then loss of interest in the life happens.
If little finger has a grille on the lower part then it shows problems in the pattern of thinking ; leads to a depression.So overall disturbance in the fate line -Head line-grille on mounts of moon and mercury are overall possibilities of the attempts to the suicide.
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
82. If the life line is too short then it is the indication of the unnatural death .As the life line is indicative of the physical strength of the person and even the physical being in the person ,such short abrupt discontinuity in it is considered as the possibility of the unnatural untimely death.The physical being is the expression of the earth element,so the severe faults in the earth zone will be responsible for this small life line.Again as the fire create and promote the earth ,so some faults can be seen in the fire zone too.So in general south and it's both sister directions ie southwest and southeast could have some severe faults to predict the unnatural death.
It goes without saying that the Son means southeast ;daughter means northwest ,owner means southwest and the seniors means northeast. Accordingly one has to find the faults and the zones.
Abrupt cut in the life line signifies a force ,so in the vaastushastra the vithishula effect is the right reflection of this cut.If passaging of the energy happens on the main door ,along with the depressions of the lifts and ducts on the main door ;then it is a very serious fault in the vaastushastra.
Such abrupt cut is the activity of the Ketu so there could be a grille or circle on the Ketu zone of the palm ;as the second conformation.Similarly the activity of Ketu gets reflected in the complementary shadow planet rahu too ,so in the vaastushastra there could be a Vidisha house .
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🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
80.If the saturn finger exceeds more than half inch than the Jupiter finger then there lies the possibility of death by murder. So any absurdity in the mount and finger of the Saturn leads to some drastic events in the life .
Same thing is observed in the vaastushastra too.As we know that Saturn is related to the south and west zones of the house which are sink zones of organic and pranik energies.So any mishap is connected to these two directions .Weak earth element or hyper excitation of the ether-light-energy in these zones leads to premature deaths or separation or imprisonments.
If the length of the Saturn finger goes beyond the 7.5 millimetres ie quarter inch than the index finger then one is not able to meet two simple ends in the life .Person's desires remain unfulfilled.
It happens when there lies weak earth to the south and powerful earth to the north zone in the home.Life becomes full of struggle and resistance .
Events of murder are denotes by contribution of the southeast and south zones together .Southeast entry-southeast cut -terrace to south-well to south-cuts and ducts to south could be primary reasons to the murders.
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
81.If the first phalange of the Saturn finger is relatively quite short then the individual will be inclined to do suicide.Obviously along with this some more supporting signs are visible.For example in case when one probes to do suicide then mind-heart are totally in frustration,so it is visible by some chain formations on the head or heart lines.
Many times one finds island formation on the head and the heart line.
All the indications of the suicides are visible in your Vaastu by following faults .A depression to the southwest is the prime reason to suicides like a well-huge underground water tank connected to the bungalow or a flat ;along with other reasons like north closed -east closed-northeast polluted .Many times it is observed that there lies a big cut to the southwest zone along with faults in the southeast zone.Particularly if the owner does suicide then faults are related to south-Southwest.If son does suicide then faults are related to southeast -south .If daughter makes suicide then northwest and southeast are responsible.
If the head line goes in a arch form on the mount of moon then there is possibility.As the head line represents a type of fire element and when fire dooms down in water it creates a panic in the surroundings of that person.
If the head line joins together with the life line then person becomes hyper sensitive and may lead to suicide.
Cross on the girdle of Venus may lead to suicide due to breaks in the love affair .Cross on the lower mars indicates a deep fear syndrome which may lead to suicide.
If only mount of moon is more prominent then one becomes over sensitive in nature ,so can be a cause or indication.If fate line is in a fragmented form then loss of interest in the life happens.
If little finger has a grille on the lower part then it shows problems in the pattern of thinking ; leads to a depression.So overall disturbance in the fate line -Head line-grille on mounts of moon and mercury are overall possibilities of the attempts to the suicide.
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
82. If the life line is too short then it is the indication of the unnatural death .As the life line is indicative of the physical strength of the person and even the physical being in the person ,such short abrupt discontinuity in it is considered as the possibility of the unnatural untimely death.The physical being is the expression of the earth element,so the severe faults in the earth zone will be responsible for this small life line.Again as the fire create and promote the earth ,so some faults can be seen in the fire zone too.So in general south and it's both sister directions ie southwest and southeast could have some severe faults to predict the unnatural death.
It goes without saying that the Son means southeast ;daughter means northwest ,owner means southwest and the seniors means northeast. Accordingly one has to find the faults and the zones.
Abrupt cut in the life line signifies a force ,so in the vaastushastra the vithishula effect is the right reflection of this cut.If passaging of the energy happens on the main door ,along with the depressions of the lifts and ducts on the main door ;then it is a very serious fault in the vaastushastra.
Such abrupt cut is the activity of the Ketu so there could be a grille or circle on the Ketu zone of the palm ;as the second conformation.Similarly the activity of Ketu gets reflected in the complementary shadow planet rahu too ,so in the vaastushastra there could be a Vidisha house .
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