Vikshep Deity
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
1.Vikshep -Devta :
When energy streams in a mandalacar path in the house-office-factory then it creates the surroundings which has same motion mode .Where as if the fault lies in the surroundings then this fault has negative strokes to change the mandalacar mode of the pattern of the energy in the house.This way the energy of microcosm and macrocosm are interdependent and related to each other.
There are three states of every pattern of the energy.One acts as the centroid from where the vibrant energy emanates ,which can be said as the nucleus of that energy.Here the energy lies in a subtle dynamic state.The second state of the energy lies on the orbit of the nucleus which is in the gross dynamic state.
The third state stands as the friction to these two states of the energy,which tries to obstruct the system .These three states creat the concept of the entropy .
In the traditional text this whole system is explained as ।।सृष्टी स्थितिविनाशानाम् शक्तिà¤ूते सनातनी ।।
This whole order of the nature defines the life of each system .The nucleus represents the Ang devata,the orbit represents the Aavaran devta and the obstructing force represents the Vikshep devta.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
2.Vikshep -Devta :
Vikshep means disturbance in nature.Hence this opposing element is opposite to the existing element of that zone.Means Charaki Vikshep deity is representative of the earth element as the basic element of the northeast zone is water element.Earth absorbs the content of the water and it obstructs the streaming of the water element.Similarly the Vidari deity representative of the water element,so that it removes the content of the fire from the southeast zone.Putana is the Vikshep deity of the southwest zone and it disturbs the earth element of that zone.Earth gets washed out by a combination of the wind and the water element.Hence the Putana is representative of the wind and water elements together.Paap rakshasi is the Vikshep deity of the northwest zone and obstructs the streaming of the wind element,so it has qualities like the earth element.As well it disturbs the harmony of the northwest zone ,so it represents the noise too.
So whenever the streaming of the positive source directions stops ,means the play of the Vikshep deity has started .Its play is two fold .It produces the poisonous arrows or directly hits the intense force or absorb the content of that element.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
East is source direction of the pranik energy.Mars-Sun-Jupiter-Ketu -Venus forms the east matrix of planets .So Vikshep deity of the east contains enmity to the vibrations of these planets .
East being the source direction,it's nature is connected to the expansion.Prana has natural characters of forming the mandalas.So dismantling the mandalas is the nature of the Vikshep deity of the east zone.
The deity Aditya is the seed nucleus of this zone ,which represents the order and the discipline of the life.So the forces and poison arrows of the Vikshep deities of east will disturb the order of the life leading to bad habits and disturbance in the daily routine .
Since water element has virtues to polarise the sun rays ,so water element to east will enhance the virtues
of the prana but the element connected to the east is fire element as the divine flame hence water to east will doom down the flame of east leading to ill health to the males.So the Vikshep deity of the east contains some vices of the water element too.
Oil-blue colour-Saturn-Rahu-earth element-black colour-force-Intense streams-are the enemies of the east zone and all these things are represented by the Indra-Skandha-Vikshep deity of the east zone.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
Southeast is the main zone of fire element but as it is connected to the south zone there are some restrictions on this zone .These restrictions if not observed then it adds power to the Vikshep deity Vidari.The Ang devta Of this zone is Savitru and the Savita ;which represents the purity of the consciousness and the physical strength too .Being fire element it represents the right breath ie the males in the house.So attack of the Vikshep deity will give ill effects on the Male hood and the males in general.There are ten folds or dimensions of the fire element.There are four patterns of the fire element too.Water and earth are two main enemies of the fire element,so the Vikshep deity of this zone Vidari has the qualities of the water and the earth element.Whenever Vidari acts from eastern side it has water qualities and whenever it acts from southern side ,then it has the earth qualities.As the fire of the southeast zone is in intense explosive mode ,it needs to be controlled,So earth acts as the controller of this fire .But relatively If expression of earth is more gross than in the south zone ,then it becomes the fault.In such case the activation of the Vikshep deity Vidari starts.As we know that powerful wind is enemy to the weak fire element,Likewise this Vidari can take the form of the Storm at times ,when the fire is weak .That is how we can see that the mode and the pattern of the Vikshep deities keep changing .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
South is the sink direction of the organic streams.Everyday Sun is in devastating mode in this zone and is termed as the Yama.As the natural electromagnetic stream is from north to south and which acts as the carrier of the jaivik energy ie organic streams ,so any reverse streaming from south to north will obstruct this natural phenomena.Hence the Vikshep devta of south represents the obstructive and destructive pattern to the streaming of the north energy.
Powerful earth element gets appreciated to the south zone ,to add all stability-longevity-prosperity to the occupants of the house .So the force that disturbs the earth element is the force of the Vikshep Devta "Vikat ".
Where there is light-ether-energy there lies the weakening of the earth element,means the Vikshep deity "Vikat "represents the intense light-water-force-depression and streaming.
If south starts acting as the source direction ,it means the Vikshep deity Vikat of the south is hyper active.As the Vikshep deity has first attack on the nucleus of that zone ie Vivasvan division,means all such houses represent the pitru dosha.Vivasvan represents the tradition of the forefathers,So whenever attack happens on the Vivasvan it creat the pitru dosha.
As the south zone contains the vibrations of the mars and Saturn both ,this becomes very volatile and sensitive direction.If the force of mars goes high it disturbs the deities and if virtues of Saturn get reduced then again balancing of the zone gets disturbed.So the Vikshep deity represents the imbalance of the mars and Saturn vibrations in the south zone.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
When east is closed in any house means vibrations of the east are absent .If east closed conditions,induce the northeast closed situation,then the fault becomes serious .If on 180 degree ; if west is streaming due to the terrace or windows or big site margin then the activation of both Vikshep deities namely Skandha of east and Jambhuka of west zone happens intense.This situation creates the torque on the axis of prana .Such a torque on the axis disturb the vibrations of the Brahmsthan too .Brahmsthana is the zone of the confluence of the earth and the ether ,so the disturbance in the Brahmsthan disturb the balance of the earth and ether too.When the vibrant central zone gets disturbed then it disturbs the aspirations of all the zones .When all zones go in the negative mode then the Vikshep deities of all the directions creat a torque of the counterclockwise negative energy on that house.So it is always important to focus on the two complementary directions of the house simultaneously to search for the faults .East closed-east loaded-east toilet-hill to east-staircase to east -water to east are some faults of east zone which induces the negative vibrations of the Vikshep deity " Skanda ".
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
The force of the Vikshep deity operates on two paths viz one it's direct like a shool and the other is on the counterclockwise way.So the Vidari force corrupts the east zone and hits directly towards the central zone like a scorching ray.The ray like force ; if is intense then it breaks the mandalas of Savita-Savitru and reaches to the Brahmsthan.
When southeast is extended or cut or unearthed or a bigger site margin than northwest,or waterbody or septic tank or toilet then the Vidari gets activated with its full force.Simultaneously if fault lies in the northwest zone then being a complementary direction ,it accelerate the negative time cycles of eventology.
Since the southeast acts as the PRATHAMESHTIKA ,any fault in this direction,means the beginning of the event has gone wrong .As we know that the time cycles-vibrations of deities -aspirations of the directions go hand in hand ;so any fault in the beginning at any level is nothing but to breed a disease and not the perfect body of the Vaastu Purusha.When somebody starts the construction from northeast and continues to build in the counterclockwise way ie towards the northwest direction then as the Vikshep deities of southeast-south-southwest-west all together get activated to disturb the motion-speed-energy-elements then such construction never gets completed.As it has happened in the case of Great Sculpturist and Iconography Expert Dr V Ganapati Sthapati for his dream project of the international Vaastu School in Mahabalipuram;where the things are totally in mess -incomplete -not in use-are in court matters too.The play of the Vikshep deities never complete your aims-life time work-desires.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
Terraces to the sink directions represents the vibrations of the Aakash-ether,Prakash-Light,Urja-energy that excites the Vikshep deities of that zone.Travel of the vibrations of the Aakash-ether happens from the Urdhva-Up direction;which is most powerful as that falls directly on the deities of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala ;vertically down.If it happens on the Vivasvan-Indra-Indrajaya-Mitra of the south-southwest-west zone then this direct fall of the light reduces their strength immediately as the earth is their imbibed virtue.Fall of the strength of the Ang Devta of that zone due to a direct fall of light leads to the collapse of the matrix of the deity of that zone.This fall of ether-light directly vertical acts similar to a vithishula So it is considered as the Maha-Dosha;a severe fault of that sink direction.
This turmoil of the loss of the strength of the Ang devta creat a loss of the nucleus of that zone ,leading to the counterclockwise streaming in the orbits of the Aavaran Devta ,which in totality disturbs the mandalacar streaming of the entire Vaastu Purusha Mandala.That is how one can observe that the basic Sutra-thread that abides the Ang-Devtas to the Brahmsthan is most important and as well their rhythmic clockwise nature of the vibrations add the quality and the strength to the Brahmsthan.This Sutra-thread amongst these Ang Devta is a sacred thread that represents like the SAVYA of the Yadnyopavit in all the rituals .All the Shraddha-karmas connect oneself to the pitru kosha ,during which the Yadnyopavit is in a Apasavya mode.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
Normally all such terraces in their architecture have a French door ,from where one gets the facade opening to see the outside panoramic view.Thus the travel of the light happens from the outer surroundings to the inner spaces of the house.As we know the natural path of energy is from source to sink zones,which cultivate the virtues in the spaces of the house.When such travel of light happens from east to west then this energy acts as the organising medium in the family.Which strengthens the relationship in the family.
In such cases due to the powerful Ang devta ,the surrounding orbit of the Aavaran devta creat the clockwise streaming which supports the mandalas of the Vaastu Purusha.
This harmony of the eight matrices of the deities of the eight directions creat the centrifugal force which keeps away the negative institution of the Vikshep Devtas ,due to a fort like powerful outer orbit of the house .
When the light travels from sink direction to the source zone ,then it carries sinking qualities with it .These sinking streams represent the negative energy hence it hits directly and on the anti-clockwise path;so simultaneously it has two fold negative effect.When terraces are standing out of the perimeter of the house as the extension then they creat cuts in the adjoining two zones,this is additional fault due to these terraces.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺10.Vikshep-Devata:
The vibrations of the energy are from the earth-plot-depression.When depression is there means load-weight-content of earth is missing ;means effect of the vibrations of the earth element begins.These vibrations give out the energy content to the surroundings.This energy is sinking energy if this depression lies in the sink zone ,where as if this depression lies in the source zone then it gives out the positive energy.Negative energy is the expression of the activation of the Vikshep deities where as the positive energy is the expression of the Ang devta of that zone.So depression to southeast-south-southwest-West will lead to activation of the Vidari-Vikat-Putana-Jambhuka serially which are Vikshep deities .
The concept of energy in the Vaastu Shastra is related to variation of the earth element on the plot and not to the light-sound-heat.
Most of the sutras related to bhumi plav are connected to the energy given by the earth according to the variation in the contour .Meaning of the word pluv is two fold ,one is slope to the ground and the other is vibrations-TARANG.
So all the sutras which are applicable to the ground slopes are equally applicable to the travel of the light and ether.
So whenever to the sink direction there lies weak earth or hyper light and ether then it leads to the activation of the relevant Vikshep Deity .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
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1.Vikshep -Devta :
When energy streams in a mandalacar path in the house-office-factory then it creates the surroundings which has same motion mode .Where as if the fault lies in the surroundings then this fault has negative strokes to change the mandalacar mode of the pattern of the energy in the house.This way the energy of microcosm and macrocosm are interdependent and related to each other.
There are three states of every pattern of the energy.One acts as the centroid from where the vibrant energy emanates ,which can be said as the nucleus of that energy.Here the energy lies in a subtle dynamic state.The second state of the energy lies on the orbit of the nucleus which is in the gross dynamic state.
The third state stands as the friction to these two states of the energy,which tries to obstruct the system .These three states creat the concept of the entropy .
In the traditional text this whole system is explained as ।।सृष्टी स्थितिविनाशानाम् शक्तिà¤ूते सनातनी ।।
This whole order of the nature defines the life of each system .The nucleus represents the Ang devata,the orbit represents the Aavaran devta and the obstructing force represents the Vikshep devta.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
2.Vikshep -Devta :
Vikshep means disturbance in nature.Hence this opposing element is opposite to the existing element of that zone.Means Charaki Vikshep deity is representative of the earth element as the basic element of the northeast zone is water element.Earth absorbs the content of the water and it obstructs the streaming of the water element.Similarly the Vidari deity representative of the water element,so that it removes the content of the fire from the southeast zone.Putana is the Vikshep deity of the southwest zone and it disturbs the earth element of that zone.Earth gets washed out by a combination of the wind and the water element.Hence the Putana is representative of the wind and water elements together.Paap rakshasi is the Vikshep deity of the northwest zone and obstructs the streaming of the wind element,so it has qualities like the earth element.As well it disturbs the harmony of the northwest zone ,so it represents the noise too.
So whenever the streaming of the positive source directions stops ,means the play of the Vikshep deity has started .Its play is two fold .It produces the poisonous arrows or directly hits the intense force or absorb the content of that element.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
East is source direction of the pranik energy.Mars-Sun-Jupiter-Ketu -Venus forms the east matrix of planets .So Vikshep deity of the east contains enmity to the vibrations of these planets .
East being the source direction,it's nature is connected to the expansion.Prana has natural characters of forming the mandalas.So dismantling the mandalas is the nature of the Vikshep deity of the east zone.
The deity Aditya is the seed nucleus of this zone ,which represents the order and the discipline of the life.So the forces and poison arrows of the Vikshep deities of east will disturb the order of the life leading to bad habits and disturbance in the daily routine .
Since water element has virtues to polarise the sun rays ,so water element to east will enhance the virtues
of the prana but the element connected to the east is fire element as the divine flame hence water to east will doom down the flame of east leading to ill health to the males.So the Vikshep deity of the east contains some vices of the water element too.
Oil-blue colour-Saturn-Rahu-earth element-black colour-force-Intense streams-are the enemies of the east zone and all these things are represented by the Indra-Skandha-Vikshep deity of the east zone.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
Southeast is the main zone of fire element but as it is connected to the south zone there are some restrictions on this zone .These restrictions if not observed then it adds power to the Vikshep deity Vidari.The Ang devta Of this zone is Savitru and the Savita ;which represents the purity of the consciousness and the physical strength too .Being fire element it represents the right breath ie the males in the house.So attack of the Vikshep deity will give ill effects on the Male hood and the males in general.There are ten folds or dimensions of the fire element.There are four patterns of the fire element too.Water and earth are two main enemies of the fire element,so the Vikshep deity of this zone Vidari has the qualities of the water and the earth element.Whenever Vidari acts from eastern side it has water qualities and whenever it acts from southern side ,then it has the earth qualities.As the fire of the southeast zone is in intense explosive mode ,it needs to be controlled,So earth acts as the controller of this fire .But relatively If expression of earth is more gross than in the south zone ,then it becomes the fault.In such case the activation of the Vikshep deity Vidari starts.As we know that powerful wind is enemy to the weak fire element,Likewise this Vidari can take the form of the Storm at times ,when the fire is weak .That is how we can see that the mode and the pattern of the Vikshep deities keep changing .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
South is the sink direction of the organic streams.Everyday Sun is in devastating mode in this zone and is termed as the Yama.As the natural electromagnetic stream is from north to south and which acts as the carrier of the jaivik energy ie organic streams ,so any reverse streaming from south to north will obstruct this natural phenomena.Hence the Vikshep devta of south represents the obstructive and destructive pattern to the streaming of the north energy.
Powerful earth element gets appreciated to the south zone ,to add all stability-longevity-prosperity to the occupants of the house .So the force that disturbs the earth element is the force of the Vikshep Devta "Vikat ".
Where there is light-ether-energy there lies the weakening of the earth element,means the Vikshep deity "Vikat "represents the intense light-water-force-depression and streaming.
If south starts acting as the source direction ,it means the Vikshep deity Vikat of the south is hyper active.As the Vikshep deity has first attack on the nucleus of that zone ie Vivasvan division,means all such houses represent the pitru dosha.Vivasvan represents the tradition of the forefathers,So whenever attack happens on the Vivasvan it creat the pitru dosha.
As the south zone contains the vibrations of the mars and Saturn both ,this becomes very volatile and sensitive direction.If the force of mars goes high it disturbs the deities and if virtues of Saturn get reduced then again balancing of the zone gets disturbed.So the Vikshep deity represents the imbalance of the mars and Saturn vibrations in the south zone.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
When east is closed in any house means vibrations of the east are absent .If east closed conditions,induce the northeast closed situation,then the fault becomes serious .If on 180 degree ; if west is streaming due to the terrace or windows or big site margin then the activation of both Vikshep deities namely Skandha of east and Jambhuka of west zone happens intense.This situation creates the torque on the axis of prana .Such a torque on the axis disturb the vibrations of the Brahmsthan too .Brahmsthana is the zone of the confluence of the earth and the ether ,so the disturbance in the Brahmsthan disturb the balance of the earth and ether too.When the vibrant central zone gets disturbed then it disturbs the aspirations of all the zones .When all zones go in the negative mode then the Vikshep deities of all the directions creat a torque of the counterclockwise negative energy on that house.So it is always important to focus on the two complementary directions of the house simultaneously to search for the faults .East closed-east loaded-east toilet-hill to east-staircase to east -water to east are some faults of east zone which induces the negative vibrations of the Vikshep deity " Skanda ".
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
The force of the Vikshep deity operates on two paths viz one it's direct like a shool and the other is on the counterclockwise way.So the Vidari force corrupts the east zone and hits directly towards the central zone like a scorching ray.The ray like force ; if is intense then it breaks the mandalas of Savita-Savitru and reaches to the Brahmsthan.
When southeast is extended or cut or unearthed or a bigger site margin than northwest,or waterbody or septic tank or toilet then the Vidari gets activated with its full force.Simultaneously if fault lies in the northwest zone then being a complementary direction ,it accelerate the negative time cycles of eventology.
Since the southeast acts as the PRATHAMESHTIKA ,any fault in this direction,means the beginning of the event has gone wrong .As we know that the time cycles-vibrations of deities -aspirations of the directions go hand in hand ;so any fault in the beginning at any level is nothing but to breed a disease and not the perfect body of the Vaastu Purusha.When somebody starts the construction from northeast and continues to build in the counterclockwise way ie towards the northwest direction then as the Vikshep deities of southeast-south-southwest-west all together get activated to disturb the motion-speed-energy-elements then such construction never gets completed.As it has happened in the case of Great Sculpturist and Iconography Expert Dr V Ganapati Sthapati for his dream project of the international Vaastu School in Mahabalipuram;where the things are totally in mess -incomplete -not in use-are in court matters too.The play of the Vikshep deities never complete your aims-life time work-desires.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
Terraces to the sink directions represents the vibrations of the Aakash-ether,Prakash-Light,Urja-energy that excites the Vikshep deities of that zone.Travel of the vibrations of the Aakash-ether happens from the Urdhva-Up direction;which is most powerful as that falls directly on the deities of the Vaastu Purusha Mandala ;vertically down.If it happens on the Vivasvan-Indra-Indrajaya-Mitra of the south-southwest-west zone then this direct fall of the light reduces their strength immediately as the earth is their imbibed virtue.Fall of the strength of the Ang Devta of that zone due to a direct fall of light leads to the collapse of the matrix of the deity of that zone.This fall of ether-light directly vertical acts similar to a vithishula So it is considered as the Maha-Dosha;a severe fault of that sink direction.
This turmoil of the loss of the strength of the Ang devta creat a loss of the nucleus of that zone ,leading to the counterclockwise streaming in the orbits of the Aavaran Devta ,which in totality disturbs the mandalacar streaming of the entire Vaastu Purusha Mandala.That is how one can observe that the basic Sutra-thread that abides the Ang-Devtas to the Brahmsthan is most important and as well their rhythmic clockwise nature of the vibrations add the quality and the strength to the Brahmsthan.This Sutra-thread amongst these Ang Devta is a sacred thread that represents like the SAVYA of the Yadnyopavit in all the rituals .All the Shraddha-karmas connect oneself to the pitru kosha ,during which the Yadnyopavit is in a Apasavya mode.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺
Normally all such terraces in their architecture have a French door ,from where one gets the facade opening to see the outside panoramic view.Thus the travel of the light happens from the outer surroundings to the inner spaces of the house.As we know the natural path of energy is from source to sink zones,which cultivate the virtues in the spaces of the house.When such travel of light happens from east to west then this energy acts as the organising medium in the family.Which strengthens the relationship in the family.
In such cases due to the powerful Ang devta ,the surrounding orbit of the Aavaran devta creat the clockwise streaming which supports the mandalas of the Vaastu Purusha.
This harmony of the eight matrices of the deities of the eight directions creat the centrifugal force which keeps away the negative institution of the Vikshep Devtas ,due to a fort like powerful outer orbit of the house .
When the light travels from sink direction to the source zone ,then it carries sinking qualities with it .These sinking streams represent the negative energy hence it hits directly and on the anti-clockwise path;so simultaneously it has two fold negative effect.When terraces are standing out of the perimeter of the house as the extension then they creat cuts in the adjoining two zones,this is additional fault due to these terraces.
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
🌺Sahasra-Mahavaastu 🌺10.Vikshep-Devata:
The vibrations of the energy are from the earth-plot-depression.When depression is there means load-weight-content of earth is missing ;means effect of the vibrations of the earth element begins.These vibrations give out the energy content to the surroundings.This energy is sinking energy if this depression lies in the sink zone ,where as if this depression lies in the source zone then it gives out the positive energy.Negative energy is the expression of the activation of the Vikshep deities where as the positive energy is the expression of the Ang devta of that zone.So depression to southeast-south-southwest-West will lead to activation of the Vidari-Vikat-Putana-Jambhuka serially which are Vikshep deities .
The concept of energy in the Vaastu Shastra is related to variation of the earth element on the plot and not to the light-sound-heat.
Most of the sutras related to bhumi plav are connected to the energy given by the earth according to the variation in the contour .Meaning of the word pluv is two fold ,one is slope to the ground and the other is vibrations-TARANG.
So all the sutras which are applicable to the ground slopes are equally applicable to the travel of the light and ether.
So whenever to the sink direction there lies weak earth or hyper light and ether then it leads to the activation of the relevant Vikshep Deity .
🌈Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
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