🌺SahasraMahavaastu 🌺 5)Vedik Geopathy The classical Vaastu is not related to only ground floors but reference lies of multiple-floors too.The treatments suggested for plinth are applicable for each floor as the Vaastu-Purusha is defined for each floor and matrix of deities remains same for each floor .The effect of gravitational forces of earth element are applicable even beyond the orbit of Vaayu Manadala ,so whatever treatments suggested at any slab/floor level on any floor of high rise building are equally applicable as it would have been done in the soil.Creation Of positive waveform at earth-ether-Consciousness level is the purpose is the soul purpose of even 16 sanskaras of Tradition and same is applicable for Vaastushastra.Thats why rituals and muhurtha have immense importance in the Vaastushastra.All the rituals with the observance of the Muhurtha and Dik ie direction lead to Kaal-Dish-Samayochit Sthiti and have a power to transform the cycles of time in to the positive energy-comfortable present and happiness to the consciousness.As regards the Vaastushastra,it speaks of the three forms of energy Aakash-Prakash-Urja ,where travel of energy through Aakash happens due to the spaces created in the house .If spaces have a divine form ,it leads to the excitation of the aura of deities .So creation of divine form is the prime purpose of the Vaastushastra.Travel of energy through Prakash happens at the lateral level through the windows,if this travel is from source direction to sink directions,then it leads to excitation of the positive cosmic breath.The concern of urja happens from the soil ie through the Up-Peeth-Rachana ie the contribution of grah-tatva-Devta as established in the slabs-plinths-Earth. 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe Vaastu Vidya Vachaspati ME(IISc)FIV PhD 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 9822011050