23/09/17, 10:44:21 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: SahasraMahavaastu
Fengshui is flying star system hence every year it's reference of directions keep changing.Fengshui contains 70 percent astrology ,so it needs your birthdate for analysis and system is with Ray-Pattern-Analysis .Its halfazard application in Vaastushastra is just immaturity and does not lead to any good result and people get frustrated and start abusing the Sacred Traditional Vaastu Science.So he who ever may be popular or projected great in the market ,should follow the traditional theory as given in Mayamatam-Maansar-Manushyalaya Chandrika-Agni puran-Matsya puran-Kamika Aagam-Aparajit Pruchcha like great books of Vaastu; so that the grace of the tradition remains pure and perfect.
Vaastushastra is a fixed star system and universally applicable and does not change with season -time-zone.It is fixed star system due to the Up-Peeth-Rachana which contains the placing of auspicious stones in and around the brahmsthanam.So Brahmsthanam is the most important zone of Vaastu.
Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe
Fengshui is flying star system hence every year it's reference of directions keep changing.Fengshui contains 70 percent astrology ,so it needs your birthdate for analysis and system is with Ray-Pattern-Analysis .Its halfazard application in Vaastushastra is just immaturity and does not lead to any good result and people get frustrated and start abusing the Sacred Traditional Vaastu Science.So he who ever may be popular or projected great in the market ,should follow the traditional theory as given in Mayamatam-Maansar-Manushyalaya Chandrika-Agni puran-Matsya puran-Kamika Aagam-Aparajit Pruchcha like great books of Vaastu; so that the grace of the tradition remains pure and perfect.
Vaastushastra is a fixed star system and universally applicable and does not change with season -time-zone.It is fixed star system due to the Up-Peeth-Rachana which contains the placing of auspicious stones in and around the brahmsthanam.So Brahmsthanam is the most important zone of Vaastu.
Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe