SahasraMahavaastu #. #Vaastu-Ganeshvidya:# Mandalacar streaming of three energies creat the form of Ganesh namely Satva-Rajas-Tamas .Whenever any energy starts streaming in a mandalacar way ,it looses its negativity, even Tamas starts working in a positive mode and removes all obstacles -Vighna from the way;so he is Vighnharta.When Rajas starts streaming in a madalacar it enters in a celebration mode,so Ganesha is Sachhidananda .When the Satav starts streaming in a helical mandalacar way one becomes a Varad-Murti ;which is Ganesha.Mandalacar streaming is the base-purpose-art of Vaastushastra;so Vaastu is "Saisha Ganeshvidya".Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050

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