Re: 🌺Eclipse Period🌺

Why not to eat anything and sleep in the duration of Eclipse:??
Normally eclipse happens on no moon or full moon night.During which either Vaishvik Ida streams are null or full as per the No moon or Full moon nights.Means in this period either the existence is under the effect of forceful Pingala or forceful Ida streams.During the eclipse what happens is sudden change in the cosmic breath takes the existence from Pingala to Sushubhna or from Ida to Sushubhna ..which is not a favourable situation .In Yogshastra it is said that while change of Nadi ie in the period of Sushubhna one should not sleep or eat;though this happens everyday during beginning and the ending of the day ie Brahm Muhurtha or Sandhyakal.Thats why in Islam and Sanatan dharma this is the period of Namaaj and Sandhya.In the eclipse this change of Naadi happens abruptly and untimely ;so it is a dangerous period and one should not sleep or eat but should do the Chanting or Meditation only.
Yogis say that it is the period of Sam-Svara which leads to great siddhis.

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> On 09-Aug-2017, at 9:57 AM, Narendra Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
> Vaastu-Spaces:
> The ascension from gross to subtle is the natural phenomenon as we see even in trees.From roots which are stony it ends in flowers,which ends in aroma-fragrance;which is subtle.In the Vaastushastra we club our existence in the space cultivated by the gross earth element and the subtle ether element ie Ghat-Ghatakash.Well explained in Shiva-Sutra as "Padma-Samput -Madhyagah"The divinity lies between the two ends of the existence.As at that point you are having the best of both ends ie gross and subtle ie Earth and Ether .Hence form that makes the sacred confluence of two ends is considered as the base of Vaastushastra.
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>> On 09-Aug-2017, at 9:26 AM, Narendra Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>> The word Vedant does not mean end of knowledge but it can be said as the end of the apparent knowledge out of words,and from where the real meaning of it begins.Till that it's just running speedily and then the fly begins ;where it ends the virtual support of the earth the fly begins.In Shivsutra it is said as "Dnyanam Bandhah".It does not mean that knowledge becomes the jail ,but it only gives you the idea that beyond lies much Neti Neti..not only this much,not only this much.... Sri Dnyaneshvar quotes further that
>> Arupache Roop Davin ...
>> Atindriy te anubhavin ...
>> Indriyakaravi....
>> This means he shows one way to reach the place from where the experience of the form-sound-touch-smell-taste begins ...hinting to the oneness of Observer-Observed-observation....Drashta-Drushya-Darshan....
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