
Showing posts from July, 2017

पूर्व प्रथमेश गणेश यंत्र

01/08/17, 11:11:02 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: 🌺🙏पूर्व प्रथमेश:🙏🌺 इस महायंत्रका स्पंदन आपको यश-किर्ती-लक्ष्मी की प्राप्तीके लिये वरदायी होगा।पूर्वकी दीवालपर यह ताम्रपत्र आरूढ़ करनेसे मंगल के पराक्रम-शुभ अग्नीतत्वके स्पंदन जीवनमें नयी सुबह का वरदान दे देंगे।हरिद्रा गणेश की उपासना गुरूतत्वकी पूर्ती तथा विघ्नहरण करेंगे।मंगल-गुरू-रवी ग्रहके स्पंदन पूर्व दिशाका सम्मान बढ़ाते हैं और यह दैवी स्पंदन अष्टलक्ष्मीका सगुण अविष्कार करनेमें फलदायी होते हैं। "पूर्व प्लवे भवेल्लक्ष्मीम् " इस पारंपारिक सूत्रका साक्षात् अविष्कार इस पूर्व गणेश यंत्र से प्राप्त होगा। 🌺🙏🌺🙏🌺🙏🌺🙏🌺🙏🌺

Vaastu Tips




Re: Vaastu

Form Analysis: The form has specific relation to the surrounding space and it creates a magical boundary that too contains the space or void.This specific relation to the surrounding is divine if it creates the space inside and is devil if it create the void in the form.The importance of how the form opens out to the surrounding,decides the virtue or vice of the form.If the form gets connected to the surrounding through the openings to the positive set of directions ,then it creates the spaces which leads to life activities and if it gets connected to the negative sink directions then it leads to the voids which is the expression of life ending entities. This is the principle of the ancient vaastu shastra. Sent from my iPhone > On 30-Jul-2017, at 10:17 PM, Narendra Sahasrabudhe < > wrote: > > <image1.png> > > > Sent from my iPhone


Sent from my iPhone

Lecture on Vaastushastra at Jyotish Sanghoshti Goregav


Such pyramidal substructures in the Pichachh zone of the plot ie in the outer peripheral zone of the plot block the passage of entry of the Vikshep Deities-Balgraha-Negative forces.Such roofs and constructions are solid expressions of earth-heaviness-gravitation that absorbs the vibrations of negative deities ,and protects the power of the element of that zone.Such sub structures should be used only in the sink zones ie Southeast-South-Southwest-West zones as they contain the negative charge ,which can disturb the aura of the house .


Tirupati Balaji Vastra Prasad


Tirupati Balaji Vastra Prasad


Form Analysis: The form has specific relation to the surrounding space and it creates a magical boundary that too contains the space or void.This specific relation to the surrounding is divine if it creates the space inside and is devil if it create the void in the form.The importance of how the form opens out to the surrounding,decides the virtue or vice of the form.If the form gets connected to the surrounding through the openings to the positive set of directions ,then it creates the spaces which leads to life activities and if it gets connected to the negative sink directions then it leads to the voids which is the expression of life ending entities. This is the principle of the ancient vaastu shastra.#Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9762401234


Vaastu Form Analysis


Vaastu Form Analysis

Form Analysis: The form has specific relation to the surrounding space and it creates a magical boundary that too contains the space or void.This specific relation to the surrounding is divine if it creates the space inside and is devil if it create the void in the form.The importance of how the form opens out to the surrounding,decides the virtue or vice of the form.If the form gets connected to the surrounding through the openings to the positive set of directions ,then it creates the spaces which leads to life activities and if it gets connected to the negative sink directions then it leads to the voids which is the expression of life ending entities. This is the principle of the ancient vaastu shastra. Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050 Sent from my iPhone

Vaastu Visit to Sri Sri University Bhuvneshwar #Sahasra Mahavaastu #Gurudevs blessings #Divine Existence #


Sahasra Mahavaastu #Gurudev' s blessings#Vaastu Visit to SriSri University-Bhubaneswar #Divine Experience


Jay Gurudev

16/07/17, 9:50:01 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: 🌺Just visited Sri Sri University Bhuvneshwar for Vaastu consulting 🌸 🌸Thanx to Gurudev for offering this Seva to me🌺

Team of Sahasra Mahavaastu Mission


Team of Sahasra Mahavaastu Mission


Vaastu Articles

Western streams creat voids that separate the target-aim-achievement from the person and creat the ambiguity on the path due to vibrations of Rahu constellation in the surroundings.It deflects the mind due to the sensuous vibrations of Venus in this west zone.It creat duality in the decisions due to the wrong sequence of mercury with Saturn and Rahu.Saturn absorbs the prana of the zone leading to multiple voids in the west zone .That's how the sequence of mercury-Venus-Saturn-Rahu spoil the characters of west zone.

Vaastu Articles

Blue glass to west aggression plays wonders in daily life.It has Saturn qualities so it contracts the west vibrations.It represents the wind vibrations,which matches to the sequence of direction and element.It blocks the white sun light ,so sinking streams of west do not enter the house.Saturn characters on the west horizon gives acceleration and strength to the east Pranik energy ;as Saturn is the slow speed planet.Contraction of west vibrations reduces the disagreements-deterioration -fights of the life.

Sacred Geometry

13/07/17, 6:13:37 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: The sacred geometry is the base and theme of bliss-beauty and grace.Such cyclic growths lead to continuity of life.When five great elements form an ordered relation and rhythm with each other then the new dimension takes a birth which is connected to purpose of the god's creative mode.In traditional Vaastushastra the city planning is based on the order of the Nandyavarta Flower and the Svastika to creat the natural descent of the divine order in the surrounding.That's the beauty of Vedic sciences where order and discipline of the nature is learnt to creat the forms ,so that naturally the existence gets related to the divinity.

Vaastu Articles

13/07/17, 11:47:27 AM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: Such articles and plants are part of interior decoration.But if placed with cleverness they act as the wonderful treatment in Vaastu.Due to its heaviness-weight-earth element it has a tremendous power to absorb the negative energy and can regulate the mandalacar streaming of the positive energy.Ifproperly placed in the sink zones of the house-office-factory ;it can improve the financial -social-family matters effortlessly.

Such skylights in the source zones gives strength to the positive matrix of deities of the source zone .Ether-Energy-Light in the source zone is the great virtue to Vaastu Purush Mandala as it creates the virtuous changes in the surroundings.It acts like the effect of Chullakar ie C-Opening to the North-Northeast-East zones.

13/07/17, 4:46:25 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: Such skylights in the South-Southwest-west zones gives energy-ether-light and strength to the to Vikshep deities.Where there is energy-ether-light there vanishes the earth-gravitation-load ,so activation of sinking streams begins;activation of hard cruel Pingala streams begins;which leads to death-discontinuity-destruction-demolition-defamation in the life. 13/07/17, 4:47:48 PM: Narendra Sahasrabuddhe: Such skylights in the source zones gives strength to the positive matrix of deities of the source zone .Ether-Energy-Light in the source zone is the great virtue to Vaastu Purush Mandala as it creates the virtuous changes in the surroundings.It acts like the effect of Chullakar ie C-Opening to the North-Northeast-East zones.

Sahasra Mahavaastu Classroom Source and Sink


With great cartoonist And author Late Sri Mangesh Tendulkar 🌺Rest In Peace🌺


When two ends are connected it forms the rainbow and shower of bliss begins NHSahasrabuddhe


Sahasra Mahavaastu Classroom Yogshastra as mother of Vaastu by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


Four ways united together form the fifth dimension ie Four directions in positive rhythm control the activity of Time ie Event Manifest-Bhagyakalp of Vaastushastra.9822011050 Sahasra Mahavaastu


Yogshastra mother of Vaastushastra by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe


Sahasra Mahavaastu Classroom Yogeshsatara as mother of Vaastushastra


Beauty lies in colours -Forms-Shapes-surroundings.Same is principle of great science Vaastushastra


Great Spiritual Master Taranekar Maharaj Indour


My E Book

11/07/17, 1:29:19 AM: Book Yogesh M A: Check this out: Sahasra Maha Vaastu Sent from my iPhone

Presenting book Sahasra Mahavaastu to Padmbhushan Dr Sancheti Pune by Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe 9822011050


My new book Sahasra Mahavaastu N H Sahasrabuddhe


Digital leadership session with Yogesh and Prashant-Pinesh-Narendra


वास्तू - एक शोध

Interview with. Dr Mohanti Pradipkumar


Talk show with CA Sharad Thakkar & Art of Living Teacher, Pune


How Vaastu works?


What is Vaastu? By Dr N H Sahasrabuddhe


#Goa #Vaastu #Sahasra Mahavaastu


This is while a Vaastu course in #Goa
