Tantra Vaastu

09/04/17, 10:39:09 PM: N H Sahasrabuddhe: 14) In Vaastushastra the base of the theory -Tantra is Svastika with sound vowels Hum-Sum-Shum-Shhum and Aum at the centre . Such Svastika represents the Vaishnav-Tantra as petallic form of Svastika represents the Lotus and clockwise motion as well.So it represents the altar-up peeth and sounding-resounding of mantra beeja due the Gati (dynamism) of the motion.The differential confluence of Jeeva and Prana ie jaivik and Pranik energy create a Big Bang ( mantra beeja hum sum ...etc)which in turn leads the elements in the zones .So this is the first gross and subtle creation on the altar -up peetha as the five great elements.
09/04/17, 10:47:53 PM: N H Sahasrabuddhe: 15) As such the Shiv-lingakruti represents and follows all the rules and tenets of the Vaastu shastra and is considered as the symbol of Shiva -Shakti-Samaveshan .The definition of vaastushastra as given in Kamika Agam says वास्तुतंत्रे महातंत्रे शिवशक्तीसमोदये ।। means here to it is accepted that Shiv lingakruti as the symbol of vaastushastra.From this point of view Vaastu is considered as the Shaiva-Tantra ;where a subtle formation of Shiva-Shakti leads to Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram state.Here the form as well equal importance is given to energy ie Shiva and Shakti.

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