West Shield
11/12/16, 6:59:03 AM: N H: West Shield: When west is confined-closed-covered like this then it removes the fear of Vikshep-Deity Jambhook of west zone.It solidifies the earth element leading to strength to the deity Mitra -angdevta of west zone ,which is a positive deity of the matrix ;due to its connectivity to the brahmasthana.That's why the gem-Blue Safire is placed in the Mitra-division of west zone to strengthen the west mount .When light is arrested then it strengthens the earth element as earth and ether are complementary to each other.Along with this if blue color is used then it activate the Saturn characters.Saturn on west horizon activate-accelerate and rejuvenate the Aditya streams of east zone ,indirectly strengthen the east matrix of deities too.