Fwd: Southeast zone
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From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com>
Date: 1 February 2016 at 11:22:51 AM IST
To: saranagati.68@mail.ru
Subject: Southeast zone
01/02/16, 11:21:18 AM: Narendra: 1)Southeast is the zone of combination of virtues of east and vices of south .This is the first direction where negativity begins and hence the construction starts with this zone ;means by putting earth element first;so that negativity gets assimilated in the powerful strong earth element .Hence the deity of this direction Nanda is called as Prathameshtika i e first auspicious act of house construction is done and starts with this direction.So if there lies void-cut-terrace and bigger site margin to this direction ;then it leads to Mshadosh-Severe fault of Vaastu.
01/02/16, 11:21:18 AM: Narendra: 2) Relation of east to southeast is clockwise so east contribute positive energy to this zone,where as south to southeast is anti clockwise path;so south contribute negative energy to this zone.East represent positive fire ie Jyot ie Flame but south adds severe intensity to this zone;so that transforming the divine form of fire into devastating form of fire which is explosive ie Jvala -Explosion.Hence vibration of southeast leads to violence,so needs to be controlled.Earth is the only powerful-strong-stable element which can swallow the intense negative fire element ;so earth element is the only remedy to tranquilize the negative fire form.
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