Fwd: Vaastu notes
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From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com>
Date: 21 December 2015 10:37:02 pm IST
To: Sunanda Rathi <sunandarathi@gmail.com>
Subject: Vaastu notes
21/12/15 10:50:31 am: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 1) Neurons form the ocean of consciousness and extend the aura of the person.This aura is the media through which one is able to absorb the energy of the nature.These neurons have a north sensitivity means north energy aligns the activity of neurons.Thats why this energy is termed as Jaivik Oorja and this energy gets emanated from the planet Jupiter and jupiter has tendency to enhance the field of energy .So when one sleeps with head to south sensitivity of neurons start operating towards legs and brain attends the tranquility .
2) In traditional Vedik theory feet is the door of Prana and head-Sahasrara is the door of Aatman-soul.So if one sleeps with legs to south ,it leads to dissipation of prana leading to loss of energy.Whereas with legs to north ,leads to unification of Jaivik and Pranik energy leading to oneness of faculties of mind-body-intellect leading to sense of tranquility.
21/12/15 10:27:37 pm: N.H. Sahasrabuddhe: 3) Sahasrara means faculty of brain is considered as lotus of thousand petals.In jain philosophy west direction is termed as Padmant-Disha ;means in this direction lotus gets shrunk.It is the direction where sun sets so in this direction divine faculties of intelligence loose its aura.Here the reign of saturn begins ; which promote the contraction of light-energy-ether.So while sleeping one should not sleep with head to west.West gives out and promote the activity of subatomic particles which lead to malignancy so head to west is not allowed in Vaastushastra while sleeping.
4)East is source direction of prana.Relation of north to east is clockwise so indirectly east acts as source direction of Jaivik energy but with qualities of prana i e yang energy.So east has rare and unique combination of energy and so it works more divine than even north.East is equated to the Aaditya i e Aatmtatva.In Jainism this direction is termed as Mohant-disha which removes suspicion-doubt-lust from personality.So head to east while sleeping has great importance.Specially it's important to the students.
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