
25/08/15 10:56:05 pm: NHS: Vaastu-Sudha-Shiv Sutra 19
Shakti Sandhane
25/08/15 10:58:52 pm: NHS: Meaning:
Unification of Shakti leads to power of creating any kind of body as per the desire means the nature of that entity.
26/08/15 8:47:56 am: NHS: In continuation
We have already learnt the sutra that
Angnyadoktmataro beejam-digbandh devtastatvam..or Devtayahtuh shareeram beejat uppadyate..these two verses have the similar meaning.
When the supporter of the universe ( i e Shiva) is eagerly waiting to accomplish all the desires but unless the aspirant follows the cosmic shiva bylaws ;which are embodied in the five subbranches of oriental philosophy.Shakti being the moving dynamic form of Shiva ;unless you creat a sandhana means a friendship of the shakti,means unless you understand the laws and rules of the energy ;you can not creat anything as Shiva wants.The shareer is a physical phenomenal form and Shakti is a spiritual form ;when it descends it creat the three level existence viz physical phenomenal -Psychological and Spiritual together .Thats why in all Shastras we find a connectivity to all these levels. So if energy does not appear in its natural form ;it creat disability in the shareer i e form.So in Vaastushastra ;utmost importance is to the form -correction ;so that automatically the Shakti-Sandhan happens ;which creats the elements-deities-digpal in their right form i e shareerotpatti happens.
That's how this sutra is very important for Vaastushastra.

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