Re: Vaastu notes Sudha Shiv sutte
Chaitanyam Aatma
Generally it's easy to understand mechanically the meaning of this statement .At Least try to understand that way so that sometimes it descends as the reality.But it's very difficult for any ordinary layman regarding its connectivity to Vaastushastra .As practically the house is made by bricks-stones-wood-concrete , so applicability of chaitanya to house is very difficult to understand.As house is a different system created away from the natural system; rather to protect the self from the intense attacks of Nature like scorching sun, rains etc; it's effectivity as the Chaitanya becomes difficult to digest to the practical mind.But as it exists as an independent system ; automatically it gets formulated by its own rules of existence.When these rules reflect the constitution of the comprehensive Nature ,then it becomes a part of the vast ,global, universal consciouness and gets an automatic shield of cosmic laws.As the house contains a space and the earth element and has relation to light and darkness it naturally starts breathing by some frequency.If this frequency is matched with the rhythm of the universal existence ,effortlessly it gets synchronized to the universal consciousness and resistance-friction-impedance gets vanished.Thats the beauty of the sutra"Chaitanyamatma"
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> On 15-Aug-2015, at 8:47 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
> When Sutra-Devtas in Vaastu have unobstructed path in the cosmic body of Vaastu Purusha; then at the Marma Sthana the positive confluence of both Pranik-Jaivik energy happens and temporarily energy starts showing a positive helical streaming at a node.This can be said as the excitation of the Marma or Nodes.Due to forward journey of the two streams these marmas -nodes get connected to each other i e there happens the Sandhana of these magic points /nodes/marmas leading to the excitation of the total matrix of deities..That is the secret "why the Marmas need to be free of any obstruction of beam-column-wall"This is the true picture-sketch of the dynamics of energy grid of the Vaastu or a true aura photograf of the Vaastu Purusha..
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 15-Aug-2015, at 8:34 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>> When energy excitation in the chakra form happens then it changes the constitution of the system , so as my one of Master J Krishnamurthy says"Unless there is a break ,there is no new beginning" happens.Means unless the old system totally ends there is place for new soul to dwell .
>> In Vaastu that's why the soul importance should be given to the form correction and not to the upayshastra-world of remedies.So the sutra "shakti chakra sandhane;Vishvsanharah" is directly applicable.So those who want a real cosmic positive alignment with elements-energy-planets-deities-directions; should give focus on the Form Correction first.Unless the Sanhara i e end of existing system happens there is no new true.When Shakti-Chakras get activated automatically energy starts operating in a Mandalakar way; that way it supports the activity of Brahma.Once Brahma gets activated centrifugal force keeps the vikshep Devta -Bal graha away from the home ..and centripetal force connect the matrix of deities of all directions to the central deity Brahma..
>> That's the Vaastu Secret of the shiv-Sootra
>> "Shakti-Chakra Sandhane
>> Vishva sanharah"
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 14-Aug-2015, at 10:55 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>>> 14/08/15 10:15:49 am: Banglor sudha: VYAHRUTIS:-
>>> Pranava or Om is the first unstruck primodial sound. It consists of three letters A U M. These three letters expand into the three Vyahrutis. BHU, BHUVAH, SUVAH - They are the Maha Vyahrutis – the power of creation, power of sustenance, power of dissolution ; Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswar. These are the essense of the three Vedas, Rig, Yajus, and Sama. Since the sound of these mantras is from where the entire phenomenal world is created, it purifies the environment including the performer and everyone around.
>>> Chanting of Vyahruti mantra blesses us with harmony and energy.
>>> Vyahruti Mantra
>>> "Bhooh Swaaha Agnaye Idam Na Mama
>>> Bhuwah Swaaha Wayaye Idam Na Mama
>>> Swah Swaaha Sooryaya Idam Na Mama
>>> Bhoor Buwah Swah Swaaha
>>> Prajapataye Idam Na Mama"
>>> Word to word meaning does not give the purport of the mantras. When the mantras are chanted in the meter in which they are composed, by Supreme Grace the inherent meaning and the power and vibrations impact on the entire creation where the healing occurs at the grass roots level in the subtlest manner. This power of the mantra is locked into the ashes that develop in the fire upon the oblations. These vibrations pulsate the entire universe in a profound, subtle but sure impact and affect. It is like the fragrance and beauty is in the flower, the flower is in the form of a bud. By grace it radiates all its beauty and joy for the good of the entire universe when mantras are chanted.
>>> 14/08/15 10:49:29 am: NHS: Some else U will find description similar to water and fire
>>> Or moon and sun as keeps changing Alonwith the relative existences..
>>> Please chk for moon and sun..
>>> 14/08/15 10:50:55 am: NHS: Vibrations of Brahma in correlation to Pruthividhar formulate the bliss in Vaastu ..
>>> 14/08/15 10:53:15 am: NHS: It happily enters in the third mode of vivasvan again entering in Brahma by Uttarayan..
>>> So staying in north streaming house is like staying in the period of Uttarayan ; where unification of mind and intellectual faculty happens effortlessly..that's the beauty of Vaastushastra ..
>>> Sent from my iPhone
Generally it's easy to understand mechanically the meaning of this statement .At Least try to understand that way so that sometimes it descends as the reality.But it's very difficult for any ordinary layman regarding its connectivity to Vaastushastra .As practically the house is made by bricks-stones-wood-concrete , so applicability of chaitanya to house is very difficult to understand.As house is a different system created away from the natural system; rather to protect the self from the intense attacks of Nature like scorching sun, rains etc; it's effectivity as the Chaitanya becomes difficult to digest to the practical mind.But as it exists as an independent system ; automatically it gets formulated by its own rules of existence.When these rules reflect the constitution of the comprehensive Nature ,then it becomes a part of the vast ,global, universal consciouness and gets an automatic shield of cosmic laws.As the house contains a space and the earth element and has relation to light and darkness it naturally starts breathing by some frequency.If this frequency is matched with the rhythm of the universal existence ,effortlessly it gets synchronized to the universal consciousness and resistance-friction-impedance gets vanished.Thats the beauty of the sutra"Chaitanyamatma"
Sent from my iPhone
> On 15-Aug-2015, at 8:47 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
> When Sutra-Devtas in Vaastu have unobstructed path in the cosmic body of Vaastu Purusha; then at the Marma Sthana the positive confluence of both Pranik-Jaivik energy happens and temporarily energy starts showing a positive helical streaming at a node.This can be said as the excitation of the Marma or Nodes.Due to forward journey of the two streams these marmas -nodes get connected to each other i e there happens the Sandhana of these magic points /nodes/marmas leading to the excitation of the total matrix of deities..That is the secret "why the Marmas need to be free of any obstruction of beam-column-wall"This is the true picture-sketch of the dynamics of energy grid of the Vaastu or a true aura photograf of the Vaastu Purusha..
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 15-Aug-2015, at 8:34 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>> When energy excitation in the chakra form happens then it changes the constitution of the system , so as my one of Master J Krishnamurthy says"Unless there is a break ,there is no new beginning" happens.Means unless the old system totally ends there is place for new soul to dwell .
>> In Vaastu that's why the soul importance should be given to the form correction and not to the upayshastra-world of remedies.So the sutra "shakti chakra sandhane;Vishvsanharah" is directly applicable.So those who want a real cosmic positive alignment with elements-energy-planets-deities-directions; should give focus on the Form Correction first.Unless the Sanhara i e end of existing system happens there is no new true.When Shakti-Chakras get activated automatically energy starts operating in a Mandalakar way; that way it supports the activity of Brahma.Once Brahma gets activated centrifugal force keeps the vikshep Devta -Bal graha away from the home ..and centripetal force connect the matrix of deities of all directions to the central deity Brahma..
>> That's the Vaastu Secret of the shiv-Sootra
>> "Shakti-Chakra Sandhane
>> Vishva sanharah"
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 14-Aug-2015, at 10:55 am, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <> wrote:
>>> 14/08/15 10:15:49 am: Banglor sudha: VYAHRUTIS:-
>>> Pranava or Om is the first unstruck primodial sound. It consists of three letters A U M. These three letters expand into the three Vyahrutis. BHU, BHUVAH, SUVAH - They are the Maha Vyahrutis – the power of creation, power of sustenance, power of dissolution ; Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswar. These are the essense of the three Vedas, Rig, Yajus, and Sama. Since the sound of these mantras is from where the entire phenomenal world is created, it purifies the environment including the performer and everyone around.
>>> Chanting of Vyahruti mantra blesses us with harmony and energy.
>>> Vyahruti Mantra
>>> "Bhooh Swaaha Agnaye Idam Na Mama
>>> Bhuwah Swaaha Wayaye Idam Na Mama
>>> Swah Swaaha Sooryaya Idam Na Mama
>>> Bhoor Buwah Swah Swaaha
>>> Prajapataye Idam Na Mama"
>>> Word to word meaning does not give the purport of the mantras. When the mantras are chanted in the meter in which they are composed, by Supreme Grace the inherent meaning and the power and vibrations impact on the entire creation where the healing occurs at the grass roots level in the subtlest manner. This power of the mantra is locked into the ashes that develop in the fire upon the oblations. These vibrations pulsate the entire universe in a profound, subtle but sure impact and affect. It is like the fragrance and beauty is in the flower, the flower is in the form of a bud. By grace it radiates all its beauty and joy for the good of the entire universe when mantras are chanted.
>>> 14/08/15 10:49:29 am: NHS: Some else U will find description similar to water and fire
>>> Or moon and sun as keeps changing Alonwith the relative existences..
>>> Please chk for moon and sun..
>>> 14/08/15 10:50:55 am: NHS: Vibrations of Brahma in correlation to Pruthividhar formulate the bliss in Vaastu ..
>>> 14/08/15 10:53:15 am: NHS: It happily enters in the third mode of vivasvan again entering in Brahma by Uttarayan..
>>> So staying in north streaming house is like staying in the period of Uttarayan ; where unification of mind and intellectual faculty happens effortlessly..that's the beauty of Vaastushastra ..
>>> Sent from my iPhone