Fwd: Vaastu -Shiva-Sutras
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From: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com>
Date: 17 August 2015 12:46:55 am IST
To: "Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe" <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Vaastu -Shiva-Sutras
Third Shivsutr
Yonivargah Kaalsariram
The time and directions form a single continuum.But in direction you can go forward and backward; that's not possible in Time.So past is not treatable , present is in existence and key of future lies in this Present.Yoni is the symbol of creativity and continuity ;if so if this creativity is used in the proper phase of time then it can creat a wonderful Kalsariram.As denoted by the term Sariram ;it indicates the mortal mode as decay and death.But being connected with the creative part and form of Shiva i e Yoni;it creats the eternal Kalsariram ;means creats the effortless way to transform the physical phenomenal form in to infinite Brahma.As we say that when a positive confluence of personal and cosmic breath happens it leads to the expanding mode of Prana ;which is the basic nature of the Brahman.Thats why in Bruhdaranyak it is said that Tejas/Aap/Pruthvi are nothing but the finite forms of Brahman. When assimilation happens by merging ;there is no pain and sorrow of loss of the form;which is possible when all senses of Vaastu Purusha are connected to the central deity Brahman.This is the basic theme of all tenets of Vaastu Shastra to connect the total Vaastu purush sharira to the natural frequency i e central deity Brahman.This has been attained by placing 45 deities on the sarira of Vaastu Purusha.This body is in concurrence to the directions;hence the time so is the Kalasariram.Connectivity of five elements and energy to the vast universal existence is the principle of Vaastushastra.
Sent from my iPhoneOn 15-Aug-2015, at 11:28 pm, Dr.N.H.Sahasrabudhe <dr.nhs.vaastu@gmail.com> wrote:15/08/15 11:01:43 pm: NHS: The sutra Dnyanam BandhahMeans two way1) knowledge ties you with the universal consciouness; so knowledge is the first step .As asked by Adi Shankara "Koham" means who am I? This thirst of enquiry is the tie that binds oneself to the Brahma and starts releasing from superficial connection.2) The other meaning is unless knowledge is digested and the Maya is excreted , it becomes the barrier to attend the universal being-Brahma.3) As Kaivalya Samrajya Chakravarti Sri Dnyaneshvara says" That knowledge is not connected to brain but to heart; so when one gets immediatelly it transforms you in to peace of Being" As the great master J.Krishnamurthi says "Becoming ceases".15/08/15 11:21:22 pm: NHS: 1)All these faculties of Being and Becoming are wonderfully covered in the East Matrix of Deities in correlation to the North East Matrix of Deities.When Shikhi gets excitation the Kohum begins, enquiry begins.Connectivity to Parjanya next deity showers the cosmic bliss to enable you to flow towards the Brahma-Central deity.2) Actually all this also begins from East matrix.Indra offers all the energy needed for sensuous pleasures.Ravi provides all the required power and fire to enjoy the bliss of these worldly pleasures.The next deity puts you back to the Satya i e futility of these pleasures by realization of the fact.When fact gets shaped the thought stops.As said by Great Master J.Krishnamurthy that "thought has duality but fact is fact". So thought of becoming ceases and Being predominates.3) The deity Aryama in correlation to immediate Brahma is the place of power generation.Due to connectivity to Aap-Aapvatsa to one side this power has hydro dynamic effect and relates to Mind and Intelligence both.4)unless these faculties of deities are not available, one remains in confusion and conditioning.Here it becomes a " Bandha".So the your surrounding has a great sense which connects you to deities effortlessly.5) In Yogshastra this travel is from inner source and being with center-Bindu inside.Where as in Vaastu this center-Bindu-Source operates from outer orbit and switches the mode from Becoming to Being.15/08/15 11:26:36 pm: NHS: Hence in Dnyaneshvari,master has given the description of the surrounding regarding the place for meditation, so travel becomes effortless.Unfortunately present times consciouness being corrupt and as we live in the period of orbit of polluted wind element; even Saints/Yogis/Maharajas also dare to oppose the Divine-Vaastushastra;which actually provides a gateway to reality and factSent from my iPhone