28/08/15 11:46:29 pm: NHS: Whenever there is basement to SE, due to Nirbal-Agni it leads to Diabetes. 28/08/15 11:49:56 pm: NHS: Since fire is represented by 1/5/9signs it reduces the quality of all Harmones,reduces the Prana,and the expansion oriented quality of jupiter gets shrunk respectively to owners of 1/5/9 i e Mars/Suns/Jupiter. 28/08/15 11:51:46 pm: NHS: Since 1/5/9 signs contain the stars of Ketu/Venus/Sun again due to loss of fire of ketu and due to loss of quality of Venus it leads to diabetes. 28/08/15 11:53:09 pm: NHS: Since Sun is lord of fifth house in natural horoscope,it may lead to loss of son or childless-situation. 28/08/15 11:54:57 pm: NHS: Since fire is weak,courage and right decision are not possible in life,so a confused state of mind leads to poor financial condition. 28/08/15 11:56:54 pm: NHS: Many times such cowards are opportunist so they always roam around politicians and gains happen on their praise and flattering. Sent from my iPhone